A Message From JFK Lancer Productions & Publications:

We are very opposed to governmental control over digital speech. However,this does not mean that we condone unrestricted access to pornography by minors. Therefore, we have coded all of our pages with the SafeSurf coding. This protocol can give parents some measure of control over the material their children can access. We encourage everyone to read the SafeSurf Rating System and to use it on their pages.

This page best viewed using Netscape 2.0

Our Web pages are designed using GNN Press WYSIWYG Program. We heartily recommend it. If you are not currently a GNN member, you can still download a FREE copy of GNN Press from GNN hosting service. You may want to consider joining GNN, since 20 megs of Web Pages storage is included with membership and publishing GNN Press pages to the GNN service is super simple. Windows and MAC Compatible.

Our Internet Server is EXOCOM, a part of Southwest Nineteen Networks located at 300 S. Harbor Bvld. LL-9, Anaheim, CA 92805 Voice/Fax 714-991-1919. Open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. We recommend their service and friendly tech support. Check out their web pages for more information.

Exocom: http://www.exo.com

SNNI: http://www.snni.com

Mistress of these webpages: Debra Conway

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